Friday, January 9, 2015

We Updated the Website

We finished some updates on the website. The changes were completed on January 9th 2015.

The website is the centralized location where all of the associated websites can be accessed from. The site also features the merchandise, downloads and lists of features on the sites within our network. A number of our RSS feeds are also on the site.

A number of changes were made. First of all was the removal of various dead links that were no longer valid. There's nothing like a link that takes you nowhere. Well, that's been fixed. Some RSS feeds were added from our various blogs as well as from news sites. We removed pop-up ads from the website too. We felt that they were just too annoying and the nuisance was not worth the revenues they were generating. We also removed some ads by other companies and decided to replace them with ads for our sites and merchandise.

You may have noticed, if you have been to the site before, that we have decided to go with a darker shade of blue for the background. We did that with all of the other sites as well. So they all have a slightly different look. So check out the changes and see what you think. Oh, and we have an RSS feed for this updates blog on the Updates Page too.

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